Latest articles in the category: carnavales

Best Carnivals in Spain

Best Carnivals in Spain

26 Jan 2023

If you are thinking about packing your bags and visiting some of the best carnivals in Spain, below we are going to recommend several. There are numerous famous carnivals in Spain, each with its own tradition and hallmarks that make them unique. Some of the best known are: Cadiz Carnival Considered one of the oldest and most famous in Spain. It is celebrated for two weeks before Ash Wednesday. The city is filled with music and stands out for its...

In which autonomous communities will Carnival be a public holiday?

In which autonomous communities will Carnival be a public holiday?

11 Jan 2023

Como muchas de las fiestas nacionales, los Carnavales son celebrados en buena parte de España. Sin embargo, muchas de las comunidades autónomas no recogen esta fiesta como un día festivo oficial. Los Carnavales están documentados en España desde la Edad Media y son más reconocidos en algunas zonas del país que en otras. Los más famosos los encontramos en Cádiz y Santa Cruz de...


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