Latest articles in the category: loteria

7 datos que quizá no conoces sobre la Lotería de Navidad

7 datos que quizá no conoces sobre la Lotería de Navidad

06 Dec 2022

The Christmas Lottery is one of the most famous Christmas traditions in Spain. This is a lottery with prizes that reach up to 300 million euros (about 350 million dollars), which is drawn on December 22 of each year. In this article we will see how it began. This tradition and how it has evolved over time to better understand why It's so special. When was it held? for the first time? It was founded in 1811 by the Regency and, more than two...

Could the Christmas Lottery be suspended?

Could the Christmas Lottery be suspended?

25 Oct 2022

In what? Can cases be suspended? Although this case has not occurred since it began the Christmas Lottery Draw, the General Lottery Instructions do contemplates this possibility and lists the reasons that may lead to its cancellation. Among the cases is the "decomposition and breakage" of any of the "balloons or other equipment" used for the raffle, provided that this fact "prevents the celebration of the event." However, in the event that this...


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