¿Sabías de dónde viene el Día de San Valentín? 5 cosas que no conocías

23 Jan 2024
¿Sabías de dónde viene el Día de San Valentín? 5 cosas que no conocías

Valentine's Day, known as the day of love and friendship, is celebrated around the world every February 14 . However, have you ever wondered where this tradition comes from? In this article, we will explore the origin of Valentine's Day and reveal five fascinating facts that you may not know.

The mysterious origin

The origin of the Day Valentine's Day is a mystery wrapped in romanticism. The celebration is believed to have its roots in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which took place in mid-February. During this festival, fertility rituals were performed and men and women were paired through a raffle. Over time, the Catholic Church associated this date with Saint Valentine, a martyr who defied the decree of the Roman emperor Claudius II prohibiting marriages during times of war.

Origin Valentine's Day

San Valentine, the patron saint of lovers

Saint Valentine, a Christian priest who lived in the 3rd century, became the symbol of love strong> and devotion. Valentine is said to have defied imperial laws by secretly marrying loving couples. He was arrested andsentenced to death on February 14. Before his execution, it is rumored that he sent a love letter to his jailer's daughter, signed "from your Valentine", an expression that persists to this day.

The association with poems and cards

In the Middle Ages, February 14 was believed to be the beginning of the mating season for birds, which contributed to the association of the day with love and romance. In the 15th century,writers began to exchange poems and messages of love, giving rise to Valentine's Day cards. The practice became even more popular in the 19th century with the mass production of decorative cards.

Valentine's Day Flowers in Love

The commercial impact of Valentine's Day

Although the tradition of Valentine's Day has deep historical and sentimental roots, today it is also a commercial phenomenon. According to statistics, millions of cards, flowers, chocolates and gifts are exchanged around the world on this day. Companies take the opportunity to promote products related to love, turning the celebration into a shopping season.

Celebrations around the world

Although Valentine's Day has its origins in Western culture, it has become a global celebration.Different countries have unique traditions to commemorate the day of love. In Japan, it is women who give chocolates to men on February 14, while in Finland, the day is called "Friendship Day." strong>" and is celebrated with friends and loved ones.

And with this we conclude our walk through the fascinating world of Valentine's Day! If you are reading this in the company of your loved one, congratulations on having found your valentine! May love continue to bloom like a well-kept garden.

Now, < strong>if you are single, don't worry. Remember that love can come when you least expect it, like that package of cookies you find in the back of the closet when you thought you had nothing to snack on. So, cheer up, your Valentine may be just around the corner, probably choosing the best Valentine's card for you right now.

Until next time, dear readers, whether you They are enjoying a romantic dinner or simply sharing laughter with friends. May love and joy always accompany you, whether as a couple or gloriously single!

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