10 curiosities about the month of December that you didn't know

07 Dec 2023
10 curiosities about the month of December that you didn't know

We are already immersed in the month of December, the last chapter of the year. This season not only brings us cold, celebrations and festivities, but also a series of curiosities that many are unaware of. From its etymological origin to historical events that marked this period, this article will delve into the hidden secrets of the month of December.

< strong>Why "December"?

The name "December" has its roots in Latin and comes from the word " decem", which means "ten". Although it is currently the twelfth month of the year, in the ancient Roman calendar, December was, in fact, the tenth month. The change in calendar position occurred with the addition of the months of January and February, which were previously not included. This alteration advanced December to the position it occupies in the modern calendar.

This adjustment of the Roman calendar is attributed to King Numa Pompilius, who ruled in the century VII BC By making this modification, the aim was to align the calendar with the lunar and solar cycles, thus improving the precision of the dates in relation to astronomical events.

Despite After becoming the twelfth month, December retained its original name, providing a fascinating look at the evolution and history of the calendar.

Festivities and Celebrations December

Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas: A Diversity of Traditions

December sees diverse celebrations, from the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah to the African-American celebration of Kwanzaa. Without forgetting the omnipresent Christmas, this month becomes a melting pot of cultures and traditions that celebrate diversity.

< u>The Winter Solstice: Astronomical Festival

December 21 marks the winter solstice , an astronomical phenomenon that celebrates the rebirth of light. In the northern hemisphere, this day records the longest night and shortest day, marking the beginning of winter. Various cultures have honored this event throughout history.

Meteorological Wonders: Snow, Cold and Charm

< h3 style="font-weight: 400;">First Snowfall: Transforming Landscapes

December stains white landscapes with the first snowfalls. From the Alps to the Rocky Mountains, the blanket of snow transforms the environment, carrying with it the promise of a picturesque and festive winter. Activities such as skiing and building snowmen become prominent hobbies.

Northern Lights Phenomenon: Lights in the Sky Nocturnal

In regions close to the poles, December offers an extraordinary celestial spectacle: the Northern Lights . This phenomenon of dancing lights in the night sky is caused by the interaction of solar particles with the Earth's atmosphere, creating an unforgettable spectacle of colors.

Gastronomy Festive: Special December Flavors

Seasonal Delights: Emblematic Dishes

TheDecember tables are decorated with special delicacies. From traditional gingerbread cookies to the iconic dishes of Christmas Eve dinner, gastronomy plays a central role. Each culture has its own culinary interpretation of the season, giving rise to a feast of flavors.

Christmas Markets: Tradition and Charm

In various parts of the world, Christmas markets take over the streets of cities, offering a unique experience shopping and entertainment. Bright lights, festive music and decorated stalls create a magical atmosphere that attracts locals and tourists.

Myths of Santa Claus: More than a Bearded Man Blanca

Evolution of Santa Claus: From Saint Nicholas to Global Icon

Santa Claus, an endearing figure that transcends borders, has its roots in Saint Nicholas, a bishop of the 4th centuryknown for its generosity. Over time, the representation of Santa has evolved and adapted, becoming the Christmas icon we know today.

In addition, in some cultures, the belief of that Santa Claus keeps a record of the children who have been good or bad during the year. This concept, popularized in songs and films, adds a playful and moral element to the festivities.

Historical Anniversaries: December in History

Pearl Harbor: A Day That Changed History

On December 7, 1941, a day that lives in infamy, the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii was attacked by Japan, marking the entry of the United States into World War II. This historic event changed the course of history and left an indelible scar.

The Birth of Beethoven: Homage to a Master

December also marks the birth of the musical genius Ludwig van Beethoven the December 16, 1770. His timeless compositions continue to resonate around the world, making him a timeless figure in music history.

Holiday Glitter: Lights that Illuminate the Christmas Spirit

Christmas Lighting: Splendor in the Streets

The Christmas lighting is one of the most anticipated visual wonders of December. From simple decorations in homes to impressive displays on city streets, the lights flash and flicker, creating a magical atmosphere that envelops everyone.

New Year's Eve Around the World: Global Celebrations

December culminates with the New Year's Eve festivities. Celebrations range from ringing the bells at Madrid's Puerta del Sol to setting off fireworks in Sydney. Every corner of the planet has its own unique way of welcoming the new year.

Reflections that Resonate: End of the Year, Goals and Balance

December invites reflection, looking back and evaluating the achievements and challenges of the year. It is a time to express gratitude, set goals for the future, and share special moments with loved ones. The closing of an annual cycle that invites us to introspection.

For all these reasons, this month means much more than the arrival of Christmas. Located at the end of the year, December unfolds a tapestry of celebrations, deep-rooted traditions, natural phenomena and momentous historical events. Every day gives us a new opportunity to explore and appreciate the many facets that make December a truly special month. What curiosity has surprised you the most this December? In this month, more than any other, the magic is found in the details and surprises that each day gives us. Happy new month and happy holidays!

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