Yellow Day

Yellow Day

Every June 20th, Yellow Day is celebrated in different parts of the world. Unlike Blue Monday celebrated on January 17 and considered the saddest day of the year, this is supposedly the happiest day of the year. They attribute this title to this day because it is related to the onset of summer and the beginning of vacations, but what is its origin?

< strong>Origin of Yellow Day

In 2005, the psychologist and researcher Cliff Arnall, from the Learning Center of Lifelong, attached to Cardiff University, established Blue Monday according to a supposed mathematical formula, a phenomenon that was adopted and taken advantage of by multiple companies as part of advertising campaigns. In contrast, he also spread another supposed mathematical formula in which it had been analyzed that it made people happy. Arnall and his group determined that the happiest day took place in the third week of June by the equation:O + (N x S) + Cpm / T+ He, where O corresponds to being outdoors and enjoying outdoor activities, N is the connection with nature, S is the socialization with others, Cpm are the positive childhood memories, T the average warm temperature and He, the proximity to the holidays.

It is a term lacking a history that responds to an ancient tradition, pseudoscientific and lacking methodological principles, which causes it to be discredited by the scientific community and even denied by Cliff Arnall himself. Joining activist movements such as #StopBlueMonday.

Despite all these issues, in recent years it has stood out like a curious celebration. In it, many people decide to wear yellow and carry out positive activities such as sending messages of joy.

There is no authority, organization or charitable cause to supervise or be in charge of the coordination and celebration of this festival. However, it has been popularized and spread informally through social networks and other online platforms, mainly. In them, people from all over the world consider it as an opportunity to brighten their lives and the lives of others, deciding to share their photos in yellow clothing, organize themed events and spread messages of optimism, solidarity and joy.

Why is it considered the happiest day of the year?

Obviously , that June 20 is the happiest day of the year is not supported by any study or scientific evidence. Furthermore, happiness constitutes a subjective element, varying from person to person and lacking a universal measure of this state of mind.

However, this celebration is It is attributed to coinciding with the arrival of holidays and summer, times of the year when people leave home more, the days are longer, they do more sports, outdoor activities. free and nature; and also goes out and socializes more. All of this is usually related to a better mood of people. It is also close to the Summer Solstice, which takes place on June 21 and is the moment in which in the northern hemisphere of the Earth the sun reaches its maximum declination and projects its light at the greatest latitude geographical. This results in the longest day and shortest night of the year, officially kicking off summer.

Why yellow?

Although in many areas such as theater, yellow is considered a symbol of bad luck, this color is normally associated with aspects such as positive energy, vitality, sunlight, fun, joy or even creativity. In addition, it symbolizes luck, wealth and happiness.

Even in many societies has traditionally been a symbol of happiness. In Asian culture, for example, yellow is related to qualities and states such as nobility or joy. In other parts of the world, such as the Brazilian carnival, this color is used as a symbol of festivity and fun.

< h2 style="font-weight: 400;">How is Yellow Day celebrated?

Multiple events take place around the world activities in tune with the commemoration of Yellow Day.

In many places community events are organized that include parades, concerts, fairs or outdoor activities where thousands of people dressed in yellow gather to enjoy and share joy.

Yellow Day is also used to carry out tasks creative. In them, people get together to paint pictures in yellow tones, create crafts in this color or even cook meals and desserts with yellow tones to share with the community.

Other communities, for their part, use Yellow Day as an unbeatable opportunity to carry out charitable acts of charity and help the people most in need. Collections, donations, visits to nursing homes or hospitals, volunteer projects, etc.

Likewise, homes, offices and public spaces of all The parts of our planet are transformed into yellow spacesusing elements such as paint, balloons, flowers or banners.

All these celebrations can be consulted through of social networks, platforms with which it became popular. Thus, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok or Twitter are filled with the hashtag #YellowDay, where people share their enthusiasm and spread positivity.

Annual Report of Happiness

According to the annual ranking of the happiest countries in the world, World Happiness Report, carried out by the UN, Spain is classified in position thirty-two. This classification includes one hundred and eighty-six countries and is led by Finland, followed by countries such as Denmark, Iceland, Israel, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland. In determining these regulations, the United Nations (UN) values aspects such as the gross domestic product (GDP), the level of social aid available to the population, life expectancy, the degree of freedom and respect for rights, the conception of generosity, the level and quality of life of inhabitants and immigrants and the corruption index.

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