Latest articles in the category: festividad

¿Cuál es el origen del día del trabajador?

¿Cuál es el origen del día del trabajador?

02 Apr 2024

El Día del Trabajo, celebrado en muchos países el 1 de mayo, es una ocasión significativa que conmemora la lucha y los logros del movimiento laboral en todo el mundo. Este día representa mucho más que un simple feriado; es un tributo a la fuerza laboral y su contribución invaluable al progreso y bienestar de...

¿Cuándo y por qué se celebra el Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz?

¿Cuándo y por qué se celebra el Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz?

30 Jan 2024

El Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz se celebra cada 30 de enero en los centros educativos de todo el mundo. Este día se dedica a conmemorar una cultura de no violencia y paz, y a fomentar la educación en y para la tolerancia, la solidaridad, la concordia, el respeto a los Derechos Humanos, la no-violencia y la paz. Se celebra en el aniversario de la muerte de Mahatma Gandhi, líder pacifista que defendió...

This is how New Year's Eve is celebrated around the world

This is how New Year's Eve is celebrated around the world

21 Dec 2023

El Fin de Año es un momento de transición que trasciende fronteras, marcado por diversas tradiciones y festividades que reflejan la rica diversidad cultural de nuestro planeta. Cada país tiene su propia manera única de dar la bienvenida al nuevo año, con costumbres arraigadas que van desde deslumbrantes fuegos artificiales hasta rituales ancestrales. Pero antes de explorar las festividades alrededor del mundo,...

Do you know what is celebrated on 11/11?

Do you know what is celebrated on 11/11?

10 Nov 2023

In this article, we will explore the history behind this day, how it is celebrated in different parts of the world and how it has evolved in recent years. Singles Day, also known as 9/11 Day, is a holiday celebrated around the world every November 11. This date has also become one of the most important for e-commerce, as it has become a day of massive online shopping.  The Origin of Singles Day Singles' Day began in China in the 1990s as a...

Día de Todos Los Santos

Día de Todos Los Santos

30 Oct 2023

El próximo miércoles 1 de noviembre de 2023 tendrá lugar la conmemoración del Día de Todos los Santos, una festividad religiosa que se celebra en diversos países del mundo. Aunque su nombre varía según el país y su origen cultural es diverso, esta celebración comparte un propósito común: rendir homenaje a los seres queridos que han fallecido y honrar a los santos...

The Strangest International Days

The Strangest International Days

21 Aug 2023

We know that there are international days for practically anything you can imagine. From the most momentous to the most extravagant, each day of the year has its own commemoration. Next, we will highlight some of the most curious and peculiar international days. January During the first month of the year, International Polar Bear Hug Day takes place (January 21). In the middle of winter, when frigid temperatures grip much of the northern...

Festivals of Interest in Spain during the Month of August

Festivals of Interest in Spain during the Month of August

31 Jul 2023

Spain is a country known for its rich culture, diversity and passion for celebrations. During the month of August, numerous traditional festivals and cultural events take place throughout the country, attracting tourists and locals alike. These festivities offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Spanish culture, experience centuries-old traditions, and enjoy the hospitality and festive atmosphere that characterize this country. In this...

What is celebrated on July 14 in France?

What is celebrated on July 14 in France?

14 Jul 2023

July 14 is a date of great importance in France, as Bastille Day, also known as French Independence Day, is celebrated. This holiday commemorates a historical milestone that marked the the beginning of the French Revolution and the end of the monarchical regime. Next, we will tell you more about this celebration and its traditions. Origin The origin of Bastille Day dates back to July 14, 1789. After a few first months of the French Revolution,...

¿Qué se celebra el día de la Asunción?

¿Qué se celebra el día de la Asunción?

09 Jul 2023

El Día de la Asunción es una festividad religiosa de gran importancia que se celebra dentro de la religión cristiana el 15 de agosto en España, además de en diferentes países. También conocida como la Asunción de María, esta conmemoración honra la creencia de que la madre de Jesús fue llevada al cielo en cuerpo y alma al final de su vida terrenal.  Origen y...

Discover what the May Crosses are

Discover what the May Crosses are

03 May 2023

The May Crosses of Córdoba are one of the most popular and deep-rooted traditions of the city. This year 2023 is celebrated from April 27 to May 1. Every year, during the month of May, this festival is celebrated in which the streets and squares are decorated with beautiful crosses decorated with flowers and other decorative elements. In this article, we will talk about the history and meaning of the May Crosses of Córdoba, as well as as some...

All the details, curiosities and data about the main festival of Madrid: San Isidro

All the details, curiosities and data about the main festival of Madrid: San Isidro

17 Mar 2023

Welcome to the celebration of San Isidro in Madrid! This is one of the most emblematic festivals in the city, celebrated every year in honor of the patron saint of Madrid, San Isidro Labrador. During these festivities, Madrid residents dress in regional costumes, sing, dance and enjoy a wide variety of activities in the most emblematic places in the city. The celebration of San Isidro takes place in the second half of May, and extends over...


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